
WTF Sony?!

Today Sony unveiled the PSN Pass and it's features, the PSN Pass controversy started when Sony showed the bundle for Europe, which will include the game and a PS Move (we aren't sure about it), but the controversy and the questions rose when a little ugly thing was spotted on the box, a PSN Pass text, that's when people start saying weird things about the Pass, some said it would be a new things Sony will implement in their online experience, or even the implementation of something like on the Xbox Live Platinum.
All those guys were wrong my friends, the true was that the PSN Pass would be like EA's online pass, a pass that will let you play online, but if you sell the game the person that buy it couldn't, that person would have to pay to play online. This is just another of the people strategies to destroy the used games market and make people only buy new ones, which is understandable (when the game is good or worth it) but is a lot to pay for, in the battlefield pass was $15 if my memory is good, which is a lot, they should only charge $5 in opinion.
But will this be another of many Sony's mistakes?
So do you like what Sony is doing or you think is just something stupid to do?
PD: The pass will only apply in some Sony games so who knows if we will see it in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.


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