Today I was searching for new or cool stuff on a place were everyone can find almost anything in the world, from weird food to rare videogame items, ebay, the place of the forgotten things, such as two items I will talk about. So as i said previously ebay is the place were we can buy things from our past that we loved and we couldnt get such as an arcade machine or the entire Metal Gear Solid Collection and because of that ebay has become a place where gamers can find weird and rare items that arent available on a GameStop or Best Buy,and because I am a gamer and I love weird gaming items I made a little list of the best ebay items I have ever seen in my life.
*I am only doing this to show you cool stuff, I am not related to the articles at all*
Ms. Pacman/Galaga Arcade Cabinet Refurbished:
Remember when you were a teenager and you went to the arcade and played games for countless hours until your money dissapeared or your thumbs were dead? Well I dont cause im only 14, but a lot of gamers do have this kind of memories and from time to time they feel the need to bring them back, and what is better to bring them than having your own arcade machine with Ms Pacman on it?, having Ms Pacman and Galaga on it which are two great arcade games in only one arcade machine. Having at least a PacMan arcade cabinet on my house will give me a daily nerdgasm and will make my dream come true, plus I could charge my friends ¢50 every time they want to play the good old PacMan on a "retro" way, which will make me a happier person. Plus a cabinet normally costs more than 1000 you can get this one by $750 making it cheaper to the average, but if you want a weirder version check this one, it would look great on my living room!
Mortal Kombat 2 Arcade Cabinet:
There was a time when everyone just went to the arcade to play MK II with their friends, and it was great, but when that time came to an end a lot of cabinets were just thrown to the garbage or sold to the best buyer, and a lot of those cabinets ended up on ebay, mercadolibre and more online store services. MK II is available today as a digital download everywhere but hey! it isnt the same as the old school retro way is it? The way that had a joystick and only four buttons was simple and happier to some gamers including me, gamers that prefer the simple and easier controls mixed with a joystick that made the gaming experience kill your thumbs and destroy your hand but was woth it, and if you think still worth it you should check this cabinet, but we are sure there are more cheaper and better ones in ebay than the one we are showing you.
Huge Metal Gear Collection:
I personally am a giant fan of the Metal Gear Solid series so when I found this my heart almost stoped and my head almost explode beacuse I have never seen such a HUGE and great MGS collection in my entire life that had stuff from E3 to even a gift card or a figure with Snake's face on it. This collection is the best and most complete collection I have seen, and I have seen a full collection of Halo 3 and Gears Of War and they are nothing compared to this one which I will made a another post telling you what does it include. If you love MGS as much as I do you will find this collection as a most buy item (which I spect to buy) that you will regret all your life for not buying it but well I dont i will be able to buy it neither beacause it has a prize of $2,800 which ill say its almost reasonable beacuse the E3 stuff was given to him for free. So just remember this is the ultimate fan must-have item of the list. Chech the collection here
By Joes
Having a pacman arcade machine is such a nice way to incorporate fun and profit into your business. With many to choose from, there is one that will be able to fit into your business to add fun and money for you.