Hunted Pixel is happy to present you the newest and best app yet in the market, the iLiar!
With this incredible app. developed by WTF Game Studios and STFU Sound Studios, the user will be able to exactly know when their parents are lying to them, or any person, when it happens the iPod will make a sound of a farting donkey! Is simple to use, you just need to hold your iPhone close to your friend and the app will listen to him and tell you if they are lying or not! It even works with animals!
The developers goal was to show kids when their parents are lying and protect them about fake lies, or even show the user how to properly lie to someone! Or in John Tyanghe (CEO of WTF studios) words "the app will help you to find and tell the user when someone is lying and in that way the user will be able to punch someone when they promised to the user free cake or candy or been detect pedophiles with it!"
The app was developed in a period of 2 years where the app had to be tested in a several amount of convicts and random pedestrians, but it was also tested in different animals like cows, chickens, dogs and even a chupacabras. The app had some development help from the government of the United States because they wanted to protect kids and older people from the attacks of evil lying cats and old fat ugly looking pedophiles.
The app will be released in mid October for just $9.99 and will feature a video of how to use it by Chuck Norris, yes ladies and gentleman, Chuck Norris the living cowboy legend.
For any questions about the app or the development process please send a email to this address info@WTFstudios.com
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
This article is 100% fake so please don't go and put your iPhone on a your dog's mouth to see if he really loves you or if he just loves your food.
Regards Joes B0t
(0 animals where attacked by Joes iPhone while he was doing this article)
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