
Fix Your Broken Xbox!

Soooo have you ever wondered why im only doing computer game things?
Its because its all i have (besides my gamecube), but long long ago long long long long time ago now I mean really long ago I had a wonderfull Xbox 360, it never had problems never froze then it happened (insert Carmina Burana) I got 3 red rings, now if ur like me you need you Xbox working, so here some tips on how to fix it.
1)Grab a towel and wrap 4 of them around your xbox (while its on)
2)Leave it for a hour or so (BUT WATCH IT if your house burns down dont be like BLAH BLAH KA5TRO TOLD ME TOO)
3)Unwrap and play! 
4) donate you collage funds to hunted pixel (jk) :)
By Ka5tro happy plays!

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