
God Of War story for Dummies

This whole story revolves around a warrior from an early age; he has shown great strength and courage. His younger brother was not the best fighter, so Ares kidnaps his brother and attempts to stop Kratos, Kratos ends with a blow to his face leaving you with that scar in the face. Kratos is separated from his mother since he was drafted by the militiamen, with all his talents for the war he raised through the ranks very easy, until he reached the rank of General, in which many men would be under his control and ready for war. A day in the north he fought against an army of Barbarians in which his whole army died, because of the defeat Kratos is in the custody of the barbarian king and that's when he makes a “business” with Ares, he gives his soul to him and he destroys the army of the barbarians, that's when Ares gives Kratos the Blade Of Chaos and sticks them in Kratos’ arms.
When Kratos finally gets Pandora's Box his observed by Ares, this jealous of Kratos success throws him a giant stone pillar hiting Kratos in the chest ang getting through it, so Kratos gets been killed by it and then sent to the underworld, after that the Harpies of Ares go for the box and they take it back. And becasue of this Kratos gets mad and goes after Ares, and kills him, and he becomes the God Of War, but then he mades an imprudence while trying to save his people and soldiers, and Zeus kills him in a really really douche way, and then after a big big quest Kratos gets even more angry and decides to attack Olympus with the Titans, then he gets mad with them because the Titans also want revenge, and after killing a lot of Gods and beating the sit out of them he gets to Zeus and kills him leaving the world in total chaos and even worse than in our days.

By JDS and Joes
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