
Duke Nukem Forever DLC

Today Gearbox released new information about the new DLC which will be released this fall. The DLC will be called “Hail to the Icons Parody Pack” and it will contain parody versions of other famous games such as Call of Duty and 
Team Fortress 2, this DLC will also contain three new game modes and four new maps.
Here is the full information about the new DLC for Duke Nukem Forever

Call of Duke: Duke will fight in a modern city, in which enemies don’t stand a chance against his N00b T00b.

Sandbox: The players will take the roll of Mini Dukes in a huge map with two bases (made with children’s toys) at 
opposite sides. The featured weapon will be the sticky bombs.

Inferno: Duke will fight in a hellish landscape full of lava and teleporters, which will bring back the 16bit graphics. The featured weapon will be the DFG.

2Forts1bridge:  “Hats? Duke doesn’t need no stinking hats. Give him a minigun and he’ll beat off all comers.”

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