
Wii Music U, Wii Fit U, Wii Party U and more Wii U Mayhem!

Like on their previous console Nintendo will be releasing a lot of games with the console's name on it, such as the well known Wii Sport or Wii Fit games but this time with the new console's name on it the Wii U, so the old Wii Sports will know be named Wii Sports U, that's sounds like we sport you, which is creepy.
Here is the list of all the registered things for the Wii U:
Wii U + logo
Mii U
Wii Fit U
Wii Sports U
Wii Music U
Wii Party U
Wii Play U
WiiWare U
Wii Balance Board U
Balance Wii Board U
Wii Wheel U
Wii Zapper U
Wii U Fit
Wii U Music
Wii U Party
Wii U Sports
Wii U Play
Wii U Ware
Wii U Balance Board
Balance Wii U Board
Wii U Wheel
Wii U Zapper
Wii Speak U
Wii U Speak
Shield Pose

Sure a lot of Wii and U s in the list!

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By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel

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