•How long have you been a gamer? With which console did you start playing?
I started playing after my retirement at age 59. I started playing on the PC a little bit and it grew from there.
•What do your children think about your love for Battlefield?
My two sons are part of the ADHD squad (Jaap squad) and are very proud of their Dad!
•What do people think when you tell them that you are a gamer?
The people around me think it is simply fantastic! My wife sometimes thinks I play a little bit too much, though.
•When did you discover your passion for Battlefield?
After playing Call of Duty and Half-Life on PC, my sons invited me to play Bad Company 1 on the PS3. So my wife got me one and I've loved to play Battlefield ever since!
•Have you played Battlefield 2?
I have never played Battlefield 2. It all really started with Bad Company 1 on the PS3.
• Why battlefield and no other fps like Killzone 3?
My sons and their friends play Battlefield, I really love the teamplay aspect and always try to have a good time with my squad.
•MW3 or Battlefield 3? Why?
Absolutely Battlefield 3! Like I mentioned, I love to play as a team. I also like being able to work out a strategy and that is where Battlefield is good.
•How often you play?
I play about 2-3 hours a day. I do have to say that after all of the attention I almost play all day!
I play about 2-3 hours a day. I do have to say that after all of the attention I almost play all day!
•Would you do some commentary and post it on YouTube?
I haven't thought about it yet, to be honest. I was really surprised about all of the attention. But who knows?
As usual we would keep you updated regarding Jaap and his squad ADHD
By :Joes
The photo was provided to Hunted Pixel by the Wack Jacko Team.
And iI want to thank the WACK JACKO team but specially to Yoran ten Brinke he helped us t o get in contavt with Jaap.
Oh and Wack Jacko was a nickname for MJ, and Jaap usesit because he once worked with hiim.
And iI want to thank the WACK JACKO team but specially to Yoran ten Brinke he helped us t o get in contavt with Jaap.
Oh and Wack Jacko was a nickname for MJ, and Jaap usesit because he once worked with hiim.
You are awesome Jaap!!