
Black Ops is the best selling game ever in UK

Today according to GFK Chart Tracking data Black Ops has finally became the best selling video game ever in UK's history so far, that's thanks to 3,722,411 copies sold in the last seven months, Black Ops beat up MW2 selling score 3,702,410 in just seven months! The first day Black Ops was available in stores in the UK a total of 1.4 millions copy were sold making a record and becoming on of the best selling games in the UK but not the first one.
Black Ops became the best selling piece of entertainment last year in UK beating Avatar blu-ray and DVD sales and Take That CD sales.
Is just matter of time until Black Ops become the best selling game in every country since at least 8 out of 10 houses in the US have one copy of Black Ops.

Haven't bought the latest Black Ops DLC Annhilation? Want to have it for free? Well follow us on Twitter there we will be giving away 2 codes for Xbox Live this week.

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