So today the gaming news site Kotaku showed a gameplay E3 trailer of MGS Peace Walker being played in a PS3, I couldn't be more excited to see the game running on a PS3 since I own every single MGS game for PS PS2 and PS3, but I have to be sincere with you guys the game looks awesome but the graphics look a bit like MGS2 graphics on a PS2, that surprises because the team making or re-doing the game in HD said that they would be remaking the game just to adapt it for a PS3, yeah maybe the two analog sticks are 100% implement it but the graphics the HD graphics are not, well they still have a lot of time to make them better so maybe these graphics are just for this early edition still in development.
We are sure this HD collection will be worth it and would have some good reviews and reactions, but sadly we haven't seen MGS2 or 3 running on a PS3.

By: Joes
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