
Horror Games!

Last year was a pretty good year for the horror genre with games like The Evil Within, Alien Isolation, Outlast and Five Nights at Freddy´s and I loved that because all my life I have loved watching horror movies and being able to play a lot of horror games is a dream come true. From the creepy halls in Outlast to the f-ing jumpscares in Five Nights at Freddy´s I enjoyed and suffered every single moment of terror and fear that those games threw at me, but they are just a few games because if I mentioned every single one it would take me quite some time and I´m kind of lazy if not extremely lazy.

But for me the best horror of experience was not from a game but from a playable teaser released only in PS4 called P.T. Beleive me I screamed like a b!tch playing that game and I had to stop playing it several times only to come back for more later. When I played P.T. I only had one rule, don´t play this game alone, and I never did, I always shared the horror with someone and thanks to that I survived this incredible master piece created by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro.

So now I´m pretty excited for 2015 and the horror games it will bring upon us like Draugen, a horror game set in Norwegian west coast and where as usual the goal will be survival, from who or what is yet to be known but well we will patiently wait for it. 

Other game is SOMA, this is a new game developed by Frictional Games the same guys that scared the shit out of everyone with Amnesia, this game seems to be filled with gore and some kind of human robots that will try to kill us, more is yet to be known about the game but once again I want to play it like amnesia and probably have a heart attack.

The last game I´m excited for is Outlast 2, the first one was amazing and had really good graphics so if the guys at Red Barrels can even overcome what they did they will create another masterpiece. At this point nothing is known about the game. 


200th Post!

This is our 200th post and I don´t know what to do so I just decided, yeah just did it, to make a list of my top 10 movies and series available now in Netflix and that I think you should watch.


1. Pulp Fiction
2. A Most Wanted Man
3. LOTR Trilogy
4. Kill Bill
5. Looper
6. Godfather
7. The Amityville Horror (2005)
8. The Shawshank Redemption
9. Shutter Island
10. Hot Fuzz

1. Death Note
2. Attack on Titan
3. Breaking Bad
4, Arrow
5. Vikings
6. House of Cards
7. Modern Family
8. Sons of Anarchy
9. Full Metal Alchemist
10. Weeds


New DLC of Far Cry 4 Available

Ubisoft has released today the new DLC for Far Cry 4 titled "Escape From Durgesh".
In this new addition to Far Cry 4 the player will have to reach an extraction point after escaping Durgesh Prison, at the extraction point there will be allies waiting for you, the catch is that you start without a single weapon and you will have to complete side objectives in order to gain your weapons back.

This DLC is not an expansion for the campaign mode is a new multiplayer mode where you will have to cooperate with your buddies, random people or go solo to once again survive Kyrat and all its dangers.

The DLC is currently available in Xbox One and PC and will be released for PS4 tomorrow, for owners of the season pass it will be free of course and for those who don´t have the season pass this DLC will be 10$.
So will you be buying it?


Jason is Back... in a Videogame

Have you ever seen Friday the 13th? Do you remember that creepy immortal guy that always killed horny teens and potheads? Well once again and like for the 100th time he is making a comeback but this time for a videogame and not a movie.

A new game is currently being develop and the gameplay promises to be better than some of the movies have been, it seems that the game will be a co-op game where a team of teens controlled by different players is trying to survive Jason´s rage who is controlled by a single player, so the game will have mechanics similar to the ones in Until Dawn the PS4 exclusive survival horror game.

The game is scheduled for an October 2015 release so be prepared if you are fan of Friday the 13th and be sure to buy this new game.


Evolve Intro Cinematic

Excited to play Evolve? Well here you have the cinematic that will play when you boot the game up, use this to calm your need but don´t use it too much or you will  end up having even more need for this game.

Our Most Anticipated Games of 2015

Here at Hunted Pixel it gets pretty lonely so we usually have conversations with ourselves about which games make us wanna puke and which ones make us want to adopt a kitten.

Today we are gonna talk about those games that make us want to adopt a kitten because they are just too good to be true and we have to share them with something that is almost as beautiful. First I want to say that last year I didn't see much of these games, although there were an acceptable number of them I hope this new year I get to see more.

The Order 1886

This PS4 exclusive will be a single player game developed by the creators of God of War and Ready at Dawn studios, the game is set in an alternadte London where there seems to be a continuos fight between some humans that belong to an order of knights and half breed monsters, The game features beautiful graphics and the appearence of Tesla, like Da Vinci in Assassin´s Creed 2.

The Division

Originally planned  for a 2014 realease the game was pushed back to 2015. The Division is a shooter that will feature a massive world where in only 5 days chaos took over the US. What interests me the most about this game is the ability to fight other players or AI with a small team made by you and your friends, other interesting feature is the ability for someone to help you even if they are not close to their console thanks to a companion app that will be released with the game, I only hope the companion app doesn´t turn out like the one in Watch Dogs. This game will be released in PC, PS4 and Xbox One
Halo 5: Guardians

The new installment in the Halo series promises to be the first truly big game for Xbox One. This time the game won´t have the Master Chief as the main character because the plot of the game will be finding Master Chief. The game will run at 60fps and is currently having a beta for the multiplayer part of the game.


Big Boss is back and also my favorite game series is back. Hideo Kojima, the series creator and director, has now created an open world experience, like the one we had in MGS3 when we learned how Big Boss won that title, but now the world will be even bigger and Snake will be way more badass, he will even have a robotic arm! In this installment of the game Snake will look for vengeance after the base he created in Peace Walker is destroyed and his organization is framed. For what we have seen of the game it promises more than just beautiful graphics it also promises fun gameplay and new ways to complete our missions. The game will be available for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360and Xbox One.


DLCs and Season Passes

Have you noticed how lately almost every single triple A game offers you a season pass that will give you access to all the DLC they release for about 40$?

Well this season pass has become rather annoying specially in 2014, and now I see it as a disease that is growing every single year. The first time I heard about DLCs I was about 12 years old and I thought they were pretty cool because they added new content to a game I loved, but 3 years later something new appeared season passes, like the DLCs at first I thought they were pretty cool and they gave an option to save some money because the cost was like 20$.

But with time DLCs got more expensive and thus the season passes too, for example COD's season pass was now 50$, I didn't care about it because I had already gotten over COD and I didn't even bought it but then other big games like Assassin's Creed or Battlefield started releasing season passes and suddenly almost every single big game or triple A game had a season pass.

But what's the problem with that? Well the problem is that now they release games with poor features and content and they expect you to purchase the features the games are missing when they release them through DLC so if you really want to make your game good or how you expect it to be when you bought you have to get a season pass or you will be spending even more money and the thing that bothers the most is that season passes are worth now between 40-50 dollars. A good example of this is Bungie's last game Destiny or Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs, game that didn't deliver what they promised until DLC for them waa released.

So how can developers solve this problem? Well easy they have to do something like Rockstar did with GTA and release new content for free but put some kind of micro-transaction system that isn't really necessary but that might help you. Or just release the games how you promise them and make the DLCs less expensive, that way more people buy them and you win more money.

We Are Back

Is there anybody out there?... Well if there is we wanted to tell you that Hunted Pixel is back again and now we will try to do even better than last time and we will also try to become something serious. But for that we will need your help, so please don't forget to visit us often (or we will hunt you down) and also to follow us in our social networks so all our content can reach to you.
Thanks for reading our stuff and also
Happy New Year!