We Talk: With Spooky Squid Games
Hi guys! I know bring you another interview with awesome people, this time with Miguel Sternberg, he is from Spooky Squid Games, the creators of They Bleed Pixels
•How was Spooky Squid Games founded?
It was founded due to a mix of factors. I had been planning on starting a small indie studio for some time. Around the end of 2008 several things happened that pushed the studio into existence: I'd just come off some long contract work and had some savings to rely on. I was accepted for a round of the Artsy Games Incubator (a sort of writers circle for artists interested in making games) and had a successful grant application to create a prototype for Guerrilla Gardening. Andrew Pilkiw who's the programming half of Spooky Squid came on board for that prototype and ended up becoming a partner in the company. Thus Spooky Squid came into existence.
•Why did you name the studio Spooky Squid Games? Did someone inspire the name?
I had several name ideas, Spooky Squid happened to be my favourite one that also had a .com domain name that wasn't taken.
I've been a pixel artist for coming up on a decade now. The mix with paper textures was something I'd been wanting to experiment with for awhile.
It was pretty heavily inspired by some of Jonathan Blow's lectures on the conflicts inherent in combining narrative with interactivity in games. The dynamic narrator approach seemed like it might be one way of side stepping some of those problems.
Doing that would make it a different game and one that would be less interesting to make since the violent approach has been thoroughly explored in plenty of other games. The game's original inspiration was the real life guerrilla gardening street art movement. We combined it with the idea of an anti-plant dictatorship as an interesting way to frame the gameplay and give it more tension and significance.
•In Guerrilla Gardening the player has a variety of flowers to plant, which ones? what do they do?
Most of the plants function as a way to manipulate the citizens and police in your surroundings in various ways. I don't want to give away the full arsenal of plants but here's a taste:
- Perennial Screamers: plants that scream when disturbed, they scare citizens and attract police.
- Smell-so-goods: flowers with tasty smelling pollen that attracts citizens.
- Sleeping Poppies: plant fields of these to put cops or citizens to sleep with their pollen.
- Helivines: vines with spinning fan blades that can blow and direct pollen or disturb other plants.
•The tactical Tree Drop is a very creative of planting a tree without major work, how did you came up with this amazing idea?
It was one of the first ideas I had for the game, I can't remember the inspiration for it but I remember sketching it out on paper early on while exploring the basic idea of a stealth gardening game.
•Is Molly Greenthumb kind of hippie?
Not really. We've generally tried to avoid the whole flower power 60's hippie thing. That imagery has been so over saturated in the media that it lacks any real power and just slips into self parody.
•When and where can we expect to see the game later this year?
Guerrilla Gardening won't be out for a while, we're currently shopping a prototype of it around to publishers.
•They Bleed Pixels is a platforming game that requires skill and precision, was it inspired by another indie platforming game?
No one game specifically, though it's movement and jumping is closest in style to the wonderful metroidvania Knytt Stories. The combat was inspired by another indie game, Nidhogg which is a fantastic 2 player sword duelling game. Though the resulting combat is very different.
- Perennial Screamers: plants that scream when disturbed, they scare citizens and attract police.
- Smell-so-goods: flowers with tasty smelling pollen that attracts citizens.
- Sleeping Poppies: plant fields of these to put cops or citizens to sleep with their pollen.
- Helivines: vines with spinning fan blades that can blow and direct pollen or disturb other plants.
•The tactical Tree Drop is a very creative of planting a tree without major work, how did you came up with this amazing idea?
•Is Molly Greenthumb kind of hippie?
•When and where can we expect to see the game later this year?
•They Bleed Pixels is a platforming game that requires skill and precision, was it inspired by another indie platforming game?
No one game specifically, though it's movement and jumping is closest in style to the wonderful metroidvania Knytt Stories. The combat was inspired by another indie game, Nidhogg which is a fantastic 2 player sword duelling game. Though the resulting combat is very different.
•What can you tell us about the little girl in They Bleed Pixels, will the players get to know her name?
Nope! The story will be told using silent comics, I want to leave a lot of it open to the player to interpret and figure out on there own.
•Will there be any kind of Boss battles in They Bleed Pixels?
Perhaps ;)
•The soundtrack for They Bleed Pixels is a really good one, can fans expect to see it on amazon or a retailer?
We're talking with the musician, Shaun Hatton, to figure out the best option for the soundtrack. There will be a digital release for sure but It'd be great to also have some sort of deluxe physical version. Still we don't have a solid plan we can reveal yet.
Perhaps ;)
•The soundtrack for They Bleed Pixels is a really good one, can fans expect to see it on amazon or a retailer?
We're talking with the musician, Shaun Hatton, to figure out the best option for the soundtrack. There will be a digital release for sure but It'd be great to also have some sort of deluxe physical version. Still we don't have a solid plan we can reveal yet.
•The way the player gets a checkpoint is extremely unique, why to use it in the game?
We wanted the player to have a reason to really engage with the combat system above and beyond getting more points. The traditional rewards of giving the player some sort of super attack or xp to level up their attacks weren't appealing since they would break the balance of the combat. Our friend Mathew Kumar (http://www.expdot.com/about/ ) suggested the checkpoint earning system as a possible solution and it just fit.
Not yet. We'll be announcing it in the near future though.
•Will They Bleed Pixels and/or Guerrilla Gardening be another free game?
Nope. They're both large, time consuming games to create. They will be reasonably priced and by supporting them you'll be supporting the creation of more games from Spooky Squid including more small free ones.
We're planning on some form of PC release when we're done the Xbox Live Indie Games version but won't have the details until after that first version is released. A PS3 version would be great but it would depend on Sony approving it since the PS3 isn't an open marketplace.
•What else can your fans expect about your studio in the future?
Hard to say, we have a big document of games we'd like to make in the future. Whatever it is, it'll probably be something significantly different from our previous games since we like to challenge ourselves.
We want to thank Daniel for giving us this awesome interview, so please be sure to support them!
We wanted the player to have a reason to really engage with the combat system above and beyond getting more points. The traditional rewards of giving the player some sort of super attack or xp to level up their attacks weren't appealing since they would break the balance of the combat. Our friend Mathew Kumar (http://www.expdot.com/about/
•Do you have an official release date for the game?
Not yet. We'll be announcing it in the near future though.
•Will They Bleed Pixels and/or Guerrilla Gardening be another free game?
Nope. They're both large, time consuming games to create. They will be reasonably priced and by supporting them you'll be supporting the creation of more games from Spooky Squid including more small free ones.
•Can we expect to see They Bleed Pixels on PC or PS3?
We're planning on some form of PC release when we're done the Xbox Live Indie Games version but won't have the details until after that first version is released. A PS3 version would be great but it would depend on Sony approving it since the PS3 isn't an open marketplace.
•What else can your fans expect about your studio in the future?
Hard to say, we have a big document of games we'd like to make in the future. Whatever it is, it'll probably be something significantly different from our previous games since we like to challenge ourselves.
We want to thank Daniel for giving us this awesome interview, so please be sure to support them!
We Talk: Zeboyd Games

-When did you guys decided to start developing games?
I had messed around with small projects before then, but I didn't really get serious about game development until the beginning of 2010.
-Did you guys expected such a huge amount of sales during the release week?
We were hoping but we were still surprised when it actually happened.
-Do you guys have a big team?
No. We have a core team of two - Robert Boyd (myself) who does the design, writing, and programming and Bill Stiernberg who does the graphics, animation, and level designs. For Cthulhu Saves the World, we also had a composer, Gordon McNeil.
-Are you guys planing to release Breath of Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World to Playstation Network?
We're not planning on releasing BoDVII or CSTW to any other platforms. Since we're such a small team, any time we spend on ports is time that is taken away from actually making new games.
-Any more plans for Cthulhu Saves the World and Breath of Death VII?
We might decide to revisit either game with a sequel, prequel or spin-off, but we have no such plans at the moment.
-Are you guys modern gentlemen and/or guidos? =P
Of course.
-Do you like us?
Sure, why not? :)
We want to thank Robert Boyd fot letting us interview him! :)
We want to thank Robert Boyd fot letting us interview him! :)
We Talk: With Meadiatonic
Have you ever heard of a Steam game called Who’s That Flying?! Well we interviewed the guys that created the game and we talk about how the game was born and about their future plans so be sure to read the entire interview!
> When did you guys started to make games?
Mediatonic will be six years old in September. In that time we’ve made over 100 games for a whole range of platforms, so we’ve certainly been busy!
> How did you guys came up with the idea for Who’s That Flying?
The original idea for the game came from one of our artists during a brainstorming session for new game concepts. This was taken on by the games Writer & Creative Producer, Jim, who wrote the games story and designed the characters and world.
The mechanics and story changed a great deal over the course of development. The idea that the player was actually invincible and needed to stop the ravagers getting past only came in at a fairly late stage.
> Do you guys have a big crew?
The mechanics and story changed a great deal over the course of development. The idea that the player was actually invincible and needed to stop the ravagers getting past only came in at a fairly late stage.
> Do you guys have a big crew?
There was a core team of around 6 working on Who’s That Flying?! during the course of the development, with more people joining in at critical points. In Mediatonic as a whole we have a team of around 40 at present.
> Do you guys have any more super awesome games under development?
We do indeed; we’re working on several exciting projects at the moment. Out of those only one has been announced a game with Telltale based on The Walking Dead comic series. In addition to this we’re also working on several original Facebook, iPhone and PSP titles.
> We love Who’s That Flying sense of humour, where does it come from?
Humour is hugely important to us as a company and we always hope it shines through in the games that we make. With Who’s That Flying?! the man behind the games story and humour is the games writer and producer – Jim Griffiths. He’s the man that makes the magic funnies happen.
> How good went the sales for Who’s that flying?
The game has done well on all the platforms we’ve released on – iPhone, Steam and PSP. It’s always exciting to launch a game into the world and see people paying to play it – it has been great to watch the games reception.
> Do you have a pet in the office?
Alas at the moment we have no pet in the office. Quite a few people are in favour of different animals. Personally I would like to get a pug, or a parrot.
> How much time did you guys spent developing Who’s That Flying?
In total we spend around 6 – 7 months on the initial version of the game.
We want to thank Paul Croft from Mediatonic for letting us interview him!
By Joes
Duke Nukem Forever DLC
Today Gearbox released new information about the new DLC which will be released this fall. The DLC will be called “Hail to the Icons Parody Pack” and it will contain parody versions of other famous games such as Call of Duty and
Team Fortress 2, this DLC will also contain three new game modes and four new maps.
Here is the full information about the new DLC for Duke Nukem Forever
Call of Duke: Duke will fight in a modern city, in which enemies don’t stand a chance against his N00b T00b.
Sandbox: The players will take the roll of Mini Dukes in a huge map with two bases (made with children’s toys) at
opposite sides. The featured weapon will be the sticky bombs.
Inferno: Duke will fight in a hellish landscape full of lava and teleporters, which will bring back the 16bit graphics. The featured weapon will be the DFG.
2Forts1bridge: “Hats? Duke doesn’t need no stinking hats. Give him a minigun and he’ll beat off all comers.”
This Is How Assassin's Creed Would Look Like In The 80's
Have you ever think how would Assassin's Creed would look like in the 80's? Well here is your answer and it comes from Majami Hiroz, who has decided to make a little video showing how the famous assassins game would look like so remember nothing is true everything, nothing is pixelated.

New Blog!
We have launched another gaming news site!
But this time the site is totally in spanish!
So please go and give it a try.
Best Picture Of The Week!
Get Yourself Some Portal 2 Gels!

Remember those crazy gels that were introduced in Portal 2? The propulsion, repulsion and conversion gel? Well you can buy them now!! As Kotaku showed today, you can buy the licensed product and it will come in a beautiful container, the gel also has the perfect and exact colors as they did in the game, and also you can make things with them such as a Figure because it comes in a liquid and solid form.
The bad thing is that the gels won't let you jump higher, move faster or create portals wherever you want, but you could make creative things with it, who knows maybe a viral video on YouTube? or a prank on someone? Well is up to you to decided what to do with the gel.
The price for a single gel is 15$ and for the bundle of the three gels is 40$
If you want to search for more Portal products look here http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/collectibles/e970/
PlayStation Store and PlayStation Blog launched in Brazil
Last thursday Brazil became the second Latin American country (after Mexico) to officialy have PlayStation Store and to truly enjoy PlayStation Network.
Brazilian PS3 users wil have acces thru the online store to over 200 pieces of digital content (wich will include classics fron PS and demos) available for purchase and download.
Prices will be in the local currency (Brazilian Real) and some of the payment options will be credit cards and prepaid cards (soon to be availabale at local retail stores).
By Pizza Man
Brazilian PS3 users wil have acces thru the online store to over 200 pieces of digital content (wich will include classics fron PS and demos) available for purchase and download.
Prices will be in the local currency (Brazilian Real) and some of the payment options will be credit cards and prepaid cards (soon to be availabale at local retail stores).
By Pizza Man
Call of Juarez: The Cartel Metascore
Call of Juarez: The Cartel was released this week in the US and for my surprise it has already achieved a worse metascore than Duke Nukem Forever (52) and Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (68)
That's really, really bad for a game that is only one week old.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel has received a total of 9 mixed reviews and 2 negative reviews, while Duke Nukem Forever has received 4 positive reviews, 24 mixed reviews and 17 negative reviews and it has a better score than Call of Juarez, some of the most criticized things about the game go from the setting of the story to the multiplayer which isn't really interesting or fun to play.

But don't hear those critics if you think the game is fun or you want to give it a try go and download the Demo, who knows it might not be as bad as Duke Nukem Forever.
By Ka5tro
That's really, really bad for a game that is only one week old.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel has received a total of 9 mixed reviews and 2 negative reviews, while Duke Nukem Forever has received 4 positive reviews, 24 mixed reviews and 17 negative reviews and it has a better score than Call of Juarez, some of the most criticized things about the game go from the setting of the story to the multiplayer which isn't really interesting or fun to play.

But don't hear those critics if you think the game is fun or you want to give it a try go and download the Demo, who knows it might not be as bad as Duke Nukem Forever.
By Ka5tro
Payday The Heist Trailer
Payday is an upcoming game developed by Overkill and published by SOE, in the game you rob banks and you can take hostages with you and exchange them, but enough words. Check the trailer and some gameplay:
PSN raises more than $1.5 million
Remember the Tōhoku earthquake and the following tsunami that devastated Japan? Some time after it happened Sony launched a campaign to rise some money for Japan. With the help of a lot of PlayStation Network users, the campaign colected over $1.5 million!
This is equivalent to about 129.5 million Yen and it will be donated to a diferent organization depending on the region.
$425,644 will go to the American Red Cross, €609,155 (Euros) will go to the British Red Cross, and the remaining money (25 million yen) will go to The Central Community Chest For Japan.
By: Pizza man
This is equivalent to about 129.5 million Yen and it will be donated to a diferent organization depending on the region.
$425,644 will go to the American Red Cross, €609,155 (Euros) will go to the British Red Cross, and the remaining money (25 million yen) will go to The Central Community Chest For Japan.
By: Pizza man
Who Are 343 Industries? (Halo 4 Developer)
343 Industries is an American studio currently located in Redmont, a little city in Washington with only 54,144 habitants, the studio was created in 2007 by Microsoft Studios to oversee development of the Halo science fiction media franchise, which includes video games, novels, comics, and other multimedia content, the studio is conformed by ex-Bungie and ex-Pandemic employees who moved to the studio when Pandemic was liquidated, 343 Industries name comes from a halo character called 343 Guilty Spark (the little flying robot that helped Master Chief in Halo 3 and then betrayed him)
When Bungie separated from Microsoft in 2007 and became an independent studio the Halo intellectual property rights remained with Microsoft, but that didn't meant that all the future Halo games would had to be developed by Bungie, so when Bungie announced in 2010 that Halo Reach would be their last Halo game ever Microsoft put 343 Industries in charge of the Halo franchise. The first project made by 343 Industries was Halo Waypoint, a downloadable app for Xbox 360 where players can track their stats and accomplishments in the Halo series, and then 343 Industries developed the second DLC for Halo Reach "Defiant". Currently the American studio is working on the remake of Halo: Combat Evolved and the new Halo game Halo 4, their first entirely new game, which is supposed to be the first game of a new trilogy of Halo games.
By Joes
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Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition Teased
Today Infinity Ward creative strategist Robert Bowling teased the Hardened Edition of MW3 via twitter, the only thing he showed was the box that doesn't really tells anything about the content of it at all. The Hardened edition is one of the two Collector's Editions that the COD series usually have, and it is the edition between the normal one and the Prestige one that is the "serious" Collector's edition. Infinity Ward will reveal more about the special edition of the game on their upcoming event Call Of Duty XP.

I was really surprised when I got to see this picture, because usually by this time of the year the Hardened and Prestige editions are revealed to everyone with a GameStop trailer, or an unboxing video by Robert Bowling, and before this picture it look like this year the COD series wouldn't get it's usual special editions that always have something interesting such as NVG (Night Vision Goggles) or an RC car.
So what do you think this year's COD Hardened edition will include? A M1911, a flying llama or just some DLC? Let us know and leave a comment with what you think the Hardened edition will include.
By Joes
Be sure to follow us on twitter @HuntedPixel

I was really surprised when I got to see this picture, because usually by this time of the year the Hardened and Prestige editions are revealed to everyone with a GameStop trailer, or an unboxing video by Robert Bowling, and before this picture it look like this year the COD series wouldn't get it's usual special editions that always have something interesting such as NVG (Night Vision Goggles) or an RC car.
So what do you think this year's COD Hardened edition will include? A M1911, a flying llama or just some DLC? Let us know and leave a comment with what you think the Hardened edition will include.
By Joes
Be sure to follow us on twitter @HuntedPixel
Resistance 3 MP Beta will Kick-Off In August
This week in Comic-Con, Resistance 3 developer Insomniac Games confirmed that there would be a multiplayer Beta for their upcoming game Resistance 3, the beta will feature two modes Team Deathmatch and Chain Reaction, and it will available for all the Playstation Plus European Users or using a voucher code found in new copies of SOCOM 4 if you're in North America.
The game has been showed in many different video games news sites such as IGN or Destructoid, and as far as I've seen the gameplay looks awesome!

By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
The game has been showed in many different video games news sites such as IGN or Destructoid, and as far as I've seen the gameplay looks awesome!

By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
Battlefield 3 Alpha Multiplayer Footage Leaked
A lot of multiplayer footage has been leaked today by FPSmoose and thanks to him we can see waht EA and DICE are testing in the moment.
In this video you can see pretty good multiplayer footage, but it you want to even look more you should go and visit FPSmoose channel.
Contact us! :)
By Pizza Man
In this video you can see pretty good multiplayer footage, but it you want to even look more you should go and visit FPSmoose channel.
Contact us! :)
By Pizza Man
Freddy Krueger Comming To Mortal Kombat! (WTF!)
Today the latest Mortal Kombat DLC character was announced and for the first time it was a 100% new character, it was the nightmare killer Freddy Krueger! Which reallly surprised me and a lot of people too, who knew that old guy could fight against Kitana or Shao Khan!
As usual the DLC will have a cost of $5.00 and it will be available for Xbox and PS3.
Here is the Ofiicial trailer by IGN
Contact us! :)
By: Joes
As usual the DLC will have a cost of $5.00 and it will be available for Xbox and PS3.
Here is the Ofiicial trailer by IGN
Contact us! :)
By: Joes
What is League of Legends?
Hey all the followers of Hunted Pixel! I'm Fatesgod the new editor for all that is RTS (Real Time Strategy) and RPG. This is my first article for Hunted Pixel, so I would like to talk about one of my favorite games right now. This game is, League of Legends.
Now some haven't heard of League of Legends so I'm going to fill you in on the basics!
League of legends is a game derived from the DOTA (Defence Of The Ancients) mod for Warcraft 3. The company that made the mod, Riot Games, took the idea from the mod and improved it into a full game, complete with it's own lore and characters. League of Legends is a F2P (Free to Play) game for the PC, plays like an RTS and a RPG smashed together to make a huge baby that Zeus wishes Hercules was! Most games are 5v5 with 5 players obviously on one team and vice versa. In 5v5 there are 3 lanes, top, middle and bottom (simple, eh?) top and bottom lanes each have 2 players and middle has 1 Minion spawn out of the your "Nexus" and go to each of the 3 lanes and you kill them for gold to buy your guy items, you have to destroy the enemy nexus and they have to destroy yours to win. Keeping you away from the Nexus are turrets and the inhibitors, you fight in your lane to get to the turrets and try to destroy them, but watch out if you don't have your minions with you or you attack an enemy character (if you attack an enemy minion it doesn't matter) the turret will hit you, and they hurt like hell! Now onto inhibitors. Inhibitors can be destroyed once you take out the 3 turrets in the lane, and if you destroy one you get to spawn super minions, who are very sexy and kick the crap out of enemies. Pretty exciting isnt it?
If you guys want more info then that then I suggest you check it out, but just as a word of warning the game is a little difficult to learn but if you play the tutorials instead of being an idiot then you will have tons of fun!
-Two very helpful videos made by a youtuber called KuradoberiX SO DON'T SAY THEY WERE MADE BY ME
Contact us! :)
By Fatesgod
All video rights go to Kuradoberix
Cthulhu Saves The World PC Sales Way Better!

Cthulhu saves the world just hit the Steam Store a few days ago, and now it has sold more copies than in a entire year on Xbox Live, which shows that Steam is a far way better store to sell indie games than any other one.
Zeboyd’s games are affectionate parodies of 16-bit era JRPGs, which means that are awesome games that might bring good old memories back to your gaming life.
We are currently contacting Zeboyd games to get an exact number of sales, we think they might bear Terraria's sales.
Contact us! :)
By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
Wii Music U, Wii Fit U, Wii Party U and more Wii U Mayhem!

Like on their previous console Nintendo will be releasing a lot of games with the console's name on it, such as the well known Wii Sport or Wii Fit games but this time with the new console's name on it the Wii U, so the old Wii Sports will know be named Wii Sports U, that's sounds like we sport you, which is creepy.
Here is the list of all the registered things for the Wii U:
Wii U + logo
Mii U
Wii Fit U
Wii Sports U
Wii Music U
Wii Party U
Wii Play U
WiiWare U
Wii Balance Board U
Balance Wii Board U
Wii Wheel U
Wii Zapper U
Wii U Fit
Wii U Music
Wii U Party
Wii U Sports
Wii U Play
Wii U Ware
Wii U Balance Board
Balance Wii U Board
Wii U Wheel
Wii U Zapper
Wii Speak U
Wii U Speak
Shield Pose
Sure a lot of Wii and U s in the list!
Contact us! :)
By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
Video Of The Week
Crazy Russian Guy with Epic Meal Time make an EPIC WIN!
We are sure the guys from Epic Meal Time will taste the flavour of a laxative one of this days.
Resistance 3 Collectors Edition
This is what the edition contains:
Capelli's backpack.
SRPA Poker cards.
Fight for freedom toy soldiers.
Capelli's diary.
SRPA hip flask.
Digital content such as MP booster, Nathan Hale skin, SRPA Black Ops skin, sentinel title and Air Fuel Grenade (AFG)
And finally a Chimera firing range target.
Contact us! :)
Capelli's backpack.
SRPA Poker cards.
Fight for freedom toy soldiers.
Capelli's diary.
SRPA hip flask.
Digital content such as MP booster, Nathan Hale skin, SRPA Black Ops skin, sentinel title and Air Fuel Grenade (AFG)
And finally a Chimera firing range target.
Contact us! :)
New Commercial For Zelda Ocarina Of Time From Zelda And Robin Williams
![]() |
Awesome Beard + Rape Face = Epic Win |
If you haven't bought a copy of Zelda Ocarina Of Time for your 3DS Robin Williams, his beard and his daughter named after the game, Zelda Williams will show you the cool features of the game in this video that brings back Robin's awesome beard!
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By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
More Than 9 Million iPads 2 Sold!

Apple's Q3 earnings were revealed and with them some great sales numbers for the company, with more than 20.34 million iPhones sold and 9.5 million iPads which made chief financial officer Peter Oppenheimer say "We sold every iPad we could make," (thing that isn't true because they can keep making them for 5 years and never run short on iPads) Apple's net income rose $7.31 billion dollars which makes it one of the companies with best income per year in the entire world and it's all thanks to it's famous music and app store iTunes, their well known phone the iPhone and their fat and over sized iPod touch the iPad.
By Joes
Follow Hunted Pixel on Twitter @HuntedPixel
Batman Arkham Asylum Collectors Edition
This special edition of the game includes:
An art book about the game.
An animated film called Gotham Knight.
An album of music with original songs.
The game's soundtrack.
A figure of Batman.
And finally a few extras for the game
such as DLCs
An art book about the game.
An animated film called Gotham Knight.
An album of music with original songs.
The game's soundtrack.
A figure of Batman.
And finally a few extras for the game
such as DLCs
Saints Row The Third Will Feature a Porn Star, an Actor and a Wrestler!
The upcoming game by Volition will feature some celebrities that will gave voice to some characters in the game, this celebrities are Sasha Grey (The Girlfriend Experience, Entourage), Daniel Dae Kim (Lost, Saints Row 2, Hawaii Five-O) and Hulk Hogan who doesn't needs an introduction at all. The papers their characters will have will have an important influence on the game's campaign.
Volition also announced today the name of their characters and a little bit of their story and influence in the game.
Volition also announced today the name of their characters and a little bit of their story and influence in the game.
We Talk: With Jon St. John (Duke Nukem)
Joes got an interview with a video game legend, Jon St John, the Voice Actor for Duke Nukem, one of the best and greatest Voice Actors of all time, and he is one of the greatest guys he has ever interviewed, Jon was really nice, so nice that he answer all of our questions even the awkward ones, he even made us a little something we will show you at the end of the interview!, so be sure to read it to the end to find out how Jon started in the Voice Acting industry and how he became Duke Nukem.
•How long have you been working as a voice actor?
Including my radio career (which started it all for me) it has been
•How long have you been working as a voice actor?
Including my radio career (which started it all for me) it has been
well over 30 years. I started voice acting for video games in 1995.
•Where did you start? And how? I started while working at a classic rock radio station in San Diego when I was fortunate enough to meet Lani Minella, one of the top video games casting directors. She recognized my vocal abilities and asked if I would be interested in video game work and I jumped at the opportunity.
•Who was your first game character you gave voice to? I wish I could tell you what the very first character was, but I really do not recall. AMONG the first few was Duke Nukem...so I like to say Duke was the first.
•How was for you to give voice to one of the most loved, known and awesome characters ever, Duke Nukem? It was the best! Other voice actors that I appear with at conventions have often said that's the one character they wish they could have been. I'm honored to be the voice of the world's most famous FPS character...Duke is such a bad-ass!
Dead Island gets Mature Rating by the ESRB

The first person Zombie game Dead Island was rated by the ESRB, who decided to give the game the Mature rating, which doesn't surprises me since the game has a lot of blood and gore, but what did surprise me was that in the game are Drug references, but specially under age sex, which I have never seen before on a game.
Here is what the ESRB said about Dead Island:
"This is a first-person shooter in which players join a group of survivors who must battle a zombie infestation on a tropical island," the ESRB website declared.
"Players use baseball bats, knives, axes, shotguns, and rifles to kill waves of zombies. Battles are accompanied by screams of pain, realistic gunfire, and slow-motion effects. When zombies are knocked to the ground, players can sometimes stomp on their heads to complete kills."
"Large blood splatter stains the surrounding environment and players' weapon. Players can also dismember zombies, and various scenes depict bloody torsos, legs, or other mutilated body parts."
"As the game progresses, alcoholic beverages can be consumed to increase damage output, resulting in screen-blurring effects; in one cut-scene, drunken characters are depicted stumbling around a party. Some sequences also reference drug use; one mission requires players to retrieve drugs for a character (e.g., 'I haven't shot up since the day before yesterday and I'm getting the chills.').
"The game also contains a handful of sexual references in the dialogue (e.g., 'One rich bugger I investigated was clearly molesting his fourteen-year-old daughter.'); one scene depicts a bikini-clad woman tied to a bed and surrounded by video cameras. The words 'f**k' and 'sh*t' can be heard in dialogue."
The game hasn't been released yet but it surely looks like this year's God Of War thanks to it's gore, blood and body parts lying around, surely one if this year's best sellers and best games.
By Joes
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Uplay Passport Priced
The Uplay Passport was announced this week by Ubisoft but the price wasn't, and now Ubisoft has talked about it, the passport that will make it's first appearance on Driver: San Francisco will have the regular cost of $9.99. The pass will give to the players access to the multiplayer and online features like in Battlefield Bad Company 2, where I had to bought the EA pass because a friend of mine stole my pass and redeem it, that from time to time Dice would make free map packs.

By Joes
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By Joes
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Crysis 2 Nano Edition
This edition has a very good content:
An art book with 100 pages.
A figure of the character on a taxi.
A backpack.
And a few extras for the weapons of the character.
All this comes in a metal box.
An art book with 100 pages.
A figure of the character on a taxi.
A backpack.
And a few extras for the weapons of the character.
All this comes in a metal box.
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