I spawn a new world, I look onto a large lake of water I look around further to find clay, soon after i travel to get wood and find a nice little island to brace my house then I remember I need coal! After traveling a while I find what I wasn't looking for, but almost as good iron. As I continue I find its becoming night and it's getting dangerous so I gotta move faster or i will be screwed. So I find more clay after a long time of walking and running from monsters I find the black gold coal! That night I made a torch light for lighting and protection, so now I am waiting for the monsters but they didn't attack so I cut down some trees and make a crafting table thinking to myself, I’ve found my new place for a home, so I begin to dig my new home, I dig into the wall and dig my new floor I finish with a wood floor and some stone walls I see that night is soon and grab some sugar cane. As I walk by my house I make a furnace to help me get glass and make a window for my house I make a temporary underground house for now. I got bored of the underground house so I decide to cover it up and dig in a different location. I find iron as the sun rises on my third day I look at my sugar cane farm and its going good my temporary house is done and I have wonderful glass windows and iron items in the future

By: Ka5tro
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